Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
nwpu Applied Mathematics 2.5 s September Master ¥30000 Taught in English
dmu Applied Psychology 3 years September Master ¥41,000 Taught in English
swu Applied Psychology 3 years September Master ¥26,000 Taught in English
kmmu Applied Psychology 3 years Sep Master ¥40000 Taught in English
zstu Applied Psychology 2.5 years September Master ¥25000 Taught in English
ccnu Applied Psychology (Not include Psychological Counseling and Treatment) 3 years September Master ¥28000 Taught in English
zust Applied Statistics 2.5 years September Master ¥25,000 Taught in English
nbu Aquaculture 3 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
swu Aquaculture 3 years September Master ¥28,000 Taught in English
zjou Aquaculture (professional) 2 years September Master ¥18,000 Taught in English
zjou Aquaculture ecological environment and diease prevention 2 years September Master ¥18,000 Taught in English
ucas Aquaculture Science 2~3 years Flexible Master ¥30,000 Taught in English
hunau Aquatic product 3 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
hit Architectural and Civil Engineering 2.5 years September Master ¥34,000 Taught in English
ahut Architectural and Civil Engineering 2 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English